Thursday, March 14, 2013

Praying for Leaders

Yesterday, the conclave of cardinals elected a new pope. If nothing else, it was an interesting historical moment filled with rich history and tradition. Since the appointment however, I have been left with mixed feelings and my inbox has had a continuing flow of reactions. Some good and some not so good.

My children and I watched the appointment yesterday. We waited with millions of other people with our eyes focused on the red curtain....who will it be? I enjoyed telling our children about the tradition of this position and how it is chosen. They were excited to hear his blessing and see how he first interacted with the people in the square. They were intrigued by his outfit, as leaders in our place of worship dress very differently. It was an interesting mini-lesson for our family.

We are not Catholic, and he has only been in office now for about 24 hours, so it makes it difficult to predict what he will do with this new opportunity. However, that hasn't stopped so many from deciding right now that they either love him or hate him. I am truly confused by the reactions. Here are a few statements that have been seen in my inbox:
           -I was impressed how the pope seemed to humble himself and ask for prayers.
           -The church had a chance to choose someone that could really make a difference, and instead we get stuck with the same old stuff. Thankfully he is 76 and will die soon.
          -It is great to see that they have chosen a man who truly desires to glorify God.
          -Why are people celebrating? The pope is the antichrist.

I don't know if I agree or disagree with any of these statements. Here is what I do know. I know that he has the largest stage, especially right now in the beginning. He has a great deal of influence as 1.2 billion people claim to be Catholics. I know that the Bible tells us that scripture will not return empty, but will achieve the purpose God has for it. I know that if the Holy Spirit moves, it can do immeasurably more than we can imagine.

I have no idea what this pope plans to do with his time as pope, what I know is that I plan to pray for him and the people he is trying to reach. I am going to pray that they might come to a saving knowledge of our Lord and Savior, that they might be lead by the Holy Spirit and that they would truly be seeking the face of Jesus. A simple put powerful prayer we should be saying for all of our leaders, whether we like them or not. Please join me in praying for both church leaders and governmental leaders, I can't even fathom the depth of stress their lives must contain. May Jesus truly be their strength and guide.

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