Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Right is Right

We had a youth leader a few years ago who had a saying that I love. "Right is Right, even if no one is doing it. Wrong is Wrong, even if everyone is doing it."

Yesterday there were several items that appeared on the news or on social media posts that just made me mad. I just don't understand why there are so many people that claim to believe God's Word but, then they work so hard to change His Word to fit their situation.

I strongly believe that we are all born sinful, that we are all made with desires that challenge us daily. Some of us have trouble with anger and violence. We have times that we can not control the rage inside of us. Others, are born prone to gluttony. We over eat and cannot keep ourselves from eating things we shouldn't. Many of us find the need to be satisfied by gambling. We truly don't feel whole if we aren't taking the risk. We each have something....adultery, drugs, alcohol, deception.....we each have something that we are prone to do, something that we must daily give to God and ask for His help. Just because this is how we are, doesn't make it right to give into our sinful desires. We are sinful beings, desperately in need of Christ and His forgiveness and love.

No matter how society changes....right is right and wrong is wrong. Ever since we were removed from the Garden....there has been hate, there has been abuse, there has been poverty, there has been selfishness....why do so many feel that today is different? Why do so many feel they can "justify" their actions? Why hasn't anyone showed them the radical love that Christ has for them and how He can truly justify and sanctify them?

Sometimes I feel like I am the only one that is screaming, "NO, WRONG IS WRONG!" I hate the fact that the leaders that my children are growing up with keep changing the boundaries and that our society feels the right to pick and choose which sins are "acceptable." How are these children going to stay true to the faith and not follow the leaders around us that are being "blown and tossed by the wind?"

Maybe it is up to me. Maybe it is up to you. Maybe we are the ones that are suppose to be showing God's amazing love to the those around us. Maybe we are the ones being asked to raise children with roots so deep that no matter what "storm" comes along they will still be standing strong for Christ. Maybe I am the one that needs to remind people that "Right is Right, even if no one is doing it. Wrong is Wrong, even if everyone is doing it." May God grant us all strength to stand strong for Him and spread His love to those around us! 

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