Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Playing in the Puddles

Yesterday when I was driving through town I saw a dad walking with what appeared to be his two small twin boys. They were walking toward the library. As I was waiting at a stop sign, I noticed that one boy was following closely behind his father, while the other had begun to stop. The second boy had discovered a good size puddle and had decided that it was a better choice to play in the puddle than to continue to follow. I watched as the father stopped turned and gently called his son to leave the puddle and finish their journey together.

This simple little scene reminded me of the patience and love of our amazing Heavenly Father. He has called us to follow and graciously leads us down a path that He created just for us. Sometimes I feel like the first boy....I am following nicely, reading scripture, praying often and serving others with joy. Other times I feel like the second boy....I get distracted by something that looks more inviting, I become more concerned with that moment than the big picture God is creating.

Puddles can certainly be a great deal of fun. I actually enjoy putting on some boots and stomping in real puddles. It only becomes a problem when we aren't prepared or when we loose our focus. There are many "puddles" in life that can distract us from our true goal. They seem important at the time, but the reality is they are keeping us from walking close to the father.

Our children get distracted by "puddles" as well. I often see our children putting the "fun" activities before their important responsibilities. I also see them forgetting the path that God has for them and wanting to linger on a path their friend is on or a "puddle" that is distracting their friend. I have always known that it is important to refocus our children, but now I have a clearer reason why. These "puddles" are keeping them from following close to the Father.

Don't get me wrong, God wants us to have fun! I believe that real puddles are made to be jumped in, but I also know that there are too many things that can distract us from following close to God. He came to give us life, life to the full....which includes jumping in puddles, that is why I am so thankful that when I get distracted He stops, turns and gently calls me back to His side.

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