Thursday, February 7, 2013

Bored or Enjoying the Ride?

Earlier this week during our small group bible study discussion, my husband stated that he hears people say that Christianity is boring. He then stated that if you think Christianity is boring, then you're not doing it right. He believes that following Christ is the greatest adventure...."we need to hold on tight and try to enjoy the ride."

Let me try to explain a little: My husband is one of those people who get anxious about very little. (It can be a bit annoying at times ;-) He finds it very easy to trust God fully and take risks that the rest of us (ok, at least me) think twice about.Therefore, our lives our quite an adventure as we are constantly evaluating our circumstances and making sure that we are where God wants us to be. We have moved to a new state with no where to live, quit a perfectly good job with nothing else lined up and let God determine how many children we have. Our lives are an adventure, and I definitely need to "hold on tight" to enjoy this ride that God is taking us on.

Now I realize that this type of roller coaster life isn't for everyone. I believe the greater point here is that we should enjoy our faith. The JOY of the Lord should fill our days and our lives. I see too many people walking around the church looking like they just sucked on a lemon. What ever happened to "The Joy of the Lord is my strength" (Nehemiah 8:10).

OK, so who really cares if we are bored with our faith or enjoying the ride? ......I would have to say that our kids care. They are watching us. They are watching to see if we are bored. They are watching to see if we are enjoying the ride. They are not only watching but they are learning, they are imitating, and they are preparing for their future.

Let us strive to help our children see the Joy we have in the Lord. When stress is high or frustration sets in, may the Joy of the Lord truly be our strength. I challenge you to share your joy and enjoy the ride!

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