Wednesday, February 27, 2013

What Is Underneath?

We have been getting a consistent amount of snow recently, nothing extravagant, just consistent small amounts. The ride home, during our latest snow storm, was filled with back roads that were not plowed and which were speckled with drifts from the snow coming off the occasional farmers field. When we had made our last turn, onto the road where we live, the road seemingly disappeared right in front of us. I stopped the van to get my bearings and said, "Where did the road go?" It was really more of a declaration on why we had stopped, then a question. However, I hear our preschool aged son yell from the back seat, "It is under the snow, mom!"This made me chuckle, say "thanks," and proceed down the road with caution to arrive safely home.

That morning when glancing at the new snow covered world around us...I started to think about other times when we cover things up and can't see what is underneath. When I look at my own life and the lives of my friends, I see many things that we try to cover and many things we cover without even knowing. Here is a quick look underneath some areas in my life, some I hope other see often...some I try hard to hide.

Joy...I truly am filled with Joy for what Christ has done for my life.
Thankfulness...I am thankful for the many blessings we have: home, children, marriage, health.
Clutter...We love to open our home to others, but I am always trying to handle the clutter that 7 people seem to accumulate.
Sleepiness....Although I absolutely love our youngest child, it has been over a year since I had a full night of sleep. There are many days when I cover my sleepiness by just pushing through my to do list.
Compassion....I desire to see everyone come to a saving knowledge of Christ. I pray that the compassion I have for others is something that is never hiding underneath.

No matter what we have underneath...whether it is something we want to shine or something we want to hide, I pray that you have people in your life that see the "underneath." People that love you for the person God has made you and help the best you shine through to the world around us.

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