Friday, February 8, 2013

Happy With Crazy!

People ask me all the time how I manage to homeschool and raise five kiddos. My response usually has something to do with crazy days and all their energy keeps me young. Although these are kind of vague answers, they are very true. Our days are crazy, there is rarely a dull moment and no two days look the same. But, I wouldn't have it any other way!

Tonight was a classic example of enjoying the craziness. We had two other homeschooling families over for a dinner. There are 11 children when the families get together, the oldest is 12 and the youngest is 10 months. I don't know your children, but my children use their whole body when they play. They are the jumping, shouting, diving in with all they are, type of kiddos. With a few exceptions, so are the rest of the children that came this evening. I have to admit, that at some points tonight the laughter and fun was deafening. It was Crazy!

I can honestly say, I loved it! I love hearing the joyful noise that children make as they play and fellowship together. There was sledding, air hockey, nail painting, great food and young creativity. And now, the evening is continuing with a sleep over and more sleepovers being planned.

Many times during our week I ask the kids to sit still, be quiet and demonstrate their self-control. I need to remember that they are just children and that children are made to have fun and discover things through play. As long as our children can use self-control when needed, I am going to strive to be happy with crazy. Do you have a little crazy in your life?

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