Monday, February 25, 2013

Celebrating Family

What a blessing it is to celebrate family! Today we are blessed to be taking some family time. (I actually wrote this yesterday, so I could devote my attention to them.) We have a somewhat large family and it is often difficult for us to match schedules with funds with fun when this opportunity arose, my husband said, "let's go!"

I love little times like this. We can step away from the everyday friends, technology, work and responsibilities to just focus on each other and the many blessings God has given us. Although we spend a good deal of time together on a regular basis, times away are extra special. Extra special because:

-We can dedicate some time to connect individually with each child. Although I try to spend time with each child everyday, many days that time is combined and/or interrupted. When we are on a special trip we can bond while sharing a water slide experience, chatting over a sundae, walking to the ice machine or just snuggling up on the "big" bed. Even the simple things can become something special.

-We get to make memories. I know that we make memories on a regular basis with each of our children, but when we are on a trip we are making memories we can all share and enjoy for many years to come. I am fascinated by the moments that the children remember. Have you ever sat and reminisced with your kiddos? I love how they each remember something different and how often they enjoyed a part of the trip a barely remember. Sharing our memories seems to make the trip even more special.

-We are able to try something new. Anyone who knows me personally, knows that I am not that interested in trying new things. I like what I like, so why try something new. However, when we are having special family time, I like to provide new opportunities for our children. The new opportunities for our children, often turn into new activities for me. I secretly admit that it is fun to try new things when I get to try them with my family.

I pray that I get to spend many years with my family here on earth. However, since I don't know how many days we have together on this earth, I want to celebrate my family as much as I possibly can. No matter how long our time is together, I want them to know that they are precious, that they are loved and that my life wouldn't be the same without them. I encourage you to celebrate your family today, even if it is just a normal day at home.....have fun making a memory!

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