Friday, February 22, 2013

Enjoying This Season

I truly love living in a part of the country where there are four seasons. My favorite season is fall, but there is something that I enjoy about each one of them. Just like the seasons of the year, there are seasons of life or stages as many people call them. To be honest I think it is often more difficult to enjoy a season of life than a season of the year.

One of my favorite seasons is right before a child turns one. I love the discoveries they are making. Our children at that age are beginning to sign, it is so nice to finally know what they want. They are starting to take steps and walking on their own.  They are able to entertain themselves with a bucket of toys or the pots and pans in the cupboard. But, my heart overflows when the little one looks me square in the face, smiles the largest smile and says, "Mama." That 5 second exchange can sustain me for hours, even days.

One of my least favorite seasons is the age when a child thinks they no longer need me. They are convinced that they are old enough to make their own decisions and really don't need my advice. It is difficult for me to sit back and watch many of the natural consequences that come from their sometimes foolish actions. I know that they are grown, but in my eyes they are still my little babes. I want nothing more than to scoop them up and cradle them in my arms. However, I do enjoy seeing the wise choices they make and how many times the advice I am thinking just flows from their mouths.

I believe that every season has the good and the not so good. There was a season in our marriage when we experienced a miscarriage. That was a painful season. But, even through that difficult time, we were blessed. Blessed with flowers, meals, babysitters and much more....all without asking, it all just showed up at our door.

I think that there can be seasons in our faith also. There are times when I can't read enough scripture, when it seems easy to continue in prayer all day and when God's will seems crystal clear to me. There are also times when I read the same verse several times because I can't focus and have no idea what I read. Times when I can't form the words to pray and when I am just confused about what His will might be. And, plenty of times when I am between these two extremes. I am thankful, that God gives us something to hold onto in every season. He never leaves us....He always loves us, when we look him square in the face and smile or when we think we can do it all on our own.

No matter what season you are in right climate, in life, and in your faith....I pray that you will take time to enjoy the season and look for the blessings that God is sending your way.

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