Friday, February 1, 2013

You Are Beautiful

    I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; 
    your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
    Psalm 139:14

    This is one of my favorite verses. I honestly think I must quote this verse at least once a month. Why is it so challenging for us to believe that we are fearfully and wonderfully made? 

    We have three daughters. They are your typically girls...they like to dress up, get their hair done and paint each others nails. However, they are also athletes, thespians, and musicians. This means we here the words, "look at me," quite a bit.

    I started to really dislike that phrase. I wanted to raise daughters that were confident and independent, not girls that were continually looking for outside approval. It was about that point when I started quoting this verse. I wanted all of our children to know that they were fearfully and wonderfully made, and that they were wonderful whether I was looking or not.

    About the same time we developed a saying in our home, "You are beautiful because God made you that way, not because of what you wear or what you do." We had decided that we wanted our children to know that their beauty comes from their love for Christ and an awesome creator. 

    I think we all need to hear those words..."You are beautiful because God made you that way!" It doesn't matter if the flu is filling your home, You Are Beautiful. It doesn't matter if a newborn is providing you with endless sleepless nights, You Are Beautiful. No matter what your circumstances, please remember that You are Beautiful...our amazing creator loves you and has made You Beautiful.

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