Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Goal Setting

It seems that setting goals is very popular these days. All three of our girls have needed to set goals for at least one of their school assignments. So, I have been thinking about goals I would set for our family. Here are some ideas I have....

Passionate about Christ....I have a deep desire for our children to be passionate about Christ and what He has done for their life. That they might not only have saving faith, but that they live that faith out everyday.

Following God's Best Plan.....I want our children to follow God's plan for their lives. I don't want them to go to college unless that is God's plan. I don't want them to be full-time missionaries, unless it is God's plan. I don't want them to get married, unless it is God's plan. (Confession: This goal is difficult for me, as I have plenty of plans and ideas of my own....but I need to remember that God's plans are greater than mine and that He truly knows what is best for each one of our children. After all, He created them with His plan in mind.)

A Servant's Heart.... All of us in America have been blessed with so much. I hope that our children will see that we don't need great wealth to help others. We make serving a regular part of our lives and my prayer is  that our desire to serve others will help our children grow to "see" the needs around them and develop a heart for others.

I think that setting goals for our family will help me decide what activities should stay on our overstuffed calendar. These goals also help me remember what is truly important in our day to day adventures. They can be a good reminder to me of what I am trying to accomplish each day.

What goals have you set or would you set for your family? Why? I would love to hear your ideas. Let's encourage one another in the goals we have for our families.

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