Monday, February 18, 2013

What Are We Waiting For?

I will admit, that I had a completely different post ready for today, but it will need to wait. Last night, my husband was telling me about a singer he had read about. She had taken her own life. A month earlier her boyfriend had taken his own life. Now, their 10 month old child has no parents. My heart is breaking. The situation has consumed my thoughts for hours.

I am currently holding our ten month old in my arms. I cannot imagine my days without his smile, more importantly I can't imagine his days without mine. When I think about that young child growing up with little or no memories of his parents my heart starts to break. However, when I think about this young child grown and thinking that these tragedies are somehow his fault...I can't help but cry. I have already started praying for this young babe and his future.

Okay, I can hear you saying..."that is terrible, but bad things happen every day. What is your point?" My point is, what are we waiting for? We know that Christ has freed us from bondage, given us Joy and comforts us with His unconditional love. Why are "we" (all Christians) so reluctant to share this news with the world around us. Why do so many of us simply go about our day, raising our own orchard, and not really caring about those around us that are so desperately lost? I am including myself, why don't I reach out to the hurting world around me more? What am I waiting for? How many more people need to die? How many more babes need to be orphaned?

I know there is very little that I can do to help this young babe right now. However, I also know that I can become more aware of the needs in my community. I can become more deliberate about teaching our children to have a compassionate heart towards the hurting and lost that we see everyday. I can help my children understand that there are real people in real pain and that we can help them by sharing God's amazing love and what God has done in our lives.

So today, I am going to strive to go beyond our "normal," and stop waiting for someone else to share Christ with those around us. I hope and pray that you will join me. We live in a dying world, let us stop waiting and start sharing.

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