Friday, February 15, 2013

Joy In The Little Things

There are days, like today, when I am dragging. I seem to have no energy and everything seems to "push my buttons." Maybe it is because yesterday was too overpacked with obligations. Or, maybe it is because little ones woke me several times in the night. It could also be because a cold is starting to catch me. Whatever the reason, or maybe it is all of them combined, today is starting out as a rough day. Do you ever have days like that?

When the day seems to be getting the best of me, I need to be even more careful that my tongue is building up and not destroying....that my children are not the target of my crabbiness. How? I try to focus on the Joy of the little things. The Bible says "the Joy of the Lord is my strength." I hold tight to this promise and look for the Joy.

Here is some of the Joy that has blessed me today, I hope it blesses you as well:
-the smile of an infant as he seems to say, "look at me mom, I did it."
-the long hug of a sleepy early riser
-an encouraging email/comment from a friend
-kiddos quietly reading their devotion
-siblings helping each other
-a beautiful blue sky filled with sunlight
-the vase of homemade flowers
-an open mouth, face swallowing kiss from a 10 month old

Today, although I am tired and feeling a bit out of children deserve my best. So instead of focusing on how tired I am and how much work still needs to be done, I am going to try and focus on the Joy the Lord has given me. Finding Joy in the little things will help me make it through this day, I pray that it helps you as well.

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