Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Fortress

I was reading Proverbs 14 the other day and verse 26 seemed to jump off the page at me. Here is what it says: 

He who fears the Lord has a secure fortress,
    and for his children it will be a refuge.

The verse made me wonder if we were building a fortress for the children He has given us. How can we do a better job at helping our children "fear" the Lord? 

To begin thinking of this verse, I need to remember that the Bible's use of the word fear does not mean to be afraid of. Instead the word refers more to a reverence of and seeking His wisdom. God is all powerful and sovereign, and Proverbs tells us that He is the foundation for learning and growing. So, it is important for our children to be reading and memorizing His Word. We can do this as a family or they can do it individually....this is something that our family needs to be better at. 

When I think of a fortress, I think of a big castle with high walls and a deep mote around it for protection. Our home is certainly not anything like that physically, however it can be like a fortress in how we use it. Our home can protect our children from visual images that scar and scare by closely monitoring media we use. We can also be selective about the activities we focus on in our home. Let's emphasize the things that will strengthen our family and make our home a place where the children want to be and bring all their friends. I would love to have a home that is a refuge for all the children, what about you?

I know that our children need to learn to thrive in this world, that they need to be able to share their faith and make good choices when faced with temptations. We desire to have children that shine when they are out in the world. However, when they are at home....my desire will be for them to relax in a secure fortress, growing in God's love and taking refuge in the shelter He has given. Have you built a fortress where you live? Ours is certainly still under construction! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good topic, and something we should all strive for. Our house has always been the hang out place for our son's friends. Though we fall short, we try to encourage good behavior and discorage bad behavior mostly by leading by example. I hope they have found it to be a refuge at times.